Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pottery date night, sort of...

Sarah and I found a poster in the Wilkinson Center at BYU advertising a cultural date night in the cultural museum making pottery. We expected it to be where we would get to make a pot on a turn table. We were a little off. It was more for single people on dates than married couples. Some of the games were very BYUish and the pottery portion actually consisted of just a ball of clay for us to kneed. But we made the most of the situation and even won their "pottery contest".

Here is our award winning pottery, a wishing well with a cobble stone pathway.

And these are the shirts we won for our award winning pottery.


Us said...

aww. two of my favorite ladies doing pottery. tis cute haha. are you guys excited for graduation yet?

amrust said...

yay!!! Welcome to the blogging world!!! I didn't know you 2 had a blog or I would have been all over it sooner. I love you guys!

Renetta said...

whoa...Nicole is harsh...
I thought I had made some cute comment on here about how cute you two were and how cute your pots are...I guess I am was not as cute as I thought I was.....
Love, Mother

Mommy said...

You won!!!!!
And such spiffy T-shirts!
Certainly they can spot fine pottery!!

Love you!
Mommy Harrison

Mommy said...

You won!!!!!
And such spiffy T-shirts!
Certainly they can spot fine pottery!!

Love you!
Mommy Harrison