Saturday, February 13, 2010

Favorite Photo Friday (On Saturday)

Yup, it's Saturday, not Friday.  There's a reason for that - we're in Oregon!  We flew at last night, so I was busy packing, cleaning, and trying to entertain Sean at the same time.

Poor Sean had an awful time with his first flight.  He fell asleep for about 20 minutes towards the beginning, but screamed to the point of hyperventilating (literally - scared me to death) for the rest of the hour and a half flight.  I felt so bad for the poor little guy, but there was really nothing we could do to help him.  I think his ears were really hurting him.  He didn't calm down until after we were off of the plane.

So, the only picture we took, of course, was when he was sleeping.  We'll just pretend that this is how he was the entire flight...


Mommy said...

Precious Sean. Its so hard to be so little...away from all that is familiar and comforting.
We love you, little Slater family!!!

So happy you will have a great weekend with Sean's sweet Oregon Grandparents!!!

We'll be thinking of you, and hoping for a wonderful time and a safe return home.

We love you!!!!

Carrie said...

Such a hard life! I'm so sorry for him and for you guys on that flight. Hopefully he'll do better on the way back.

Jill said...

Poor little guy. We flew a few times when Jeremy was a baby and it can be hard. For him, if we gave him a bottle on take off it helped him with his ears. I'm sure you probably tried that but just a suggestion if not. Hopefully on the flight home he'll get to enjoy it more...and you too! Have fun in Oregon!