Saturday, March 27, 2010

San Francisco!

Last Saturday, we went to San Francisco with our friends John, Christy, and Max (8 1/2 months).  It was quite a trip with the babies, but it was fun!

We hit Fisherman's Wharf first.  Sean, of course, decided that crossing the bridge over here was much more exciting.  By the time we got out of the car, he was asleep.

Yay! Sean's awake!  Too bad he blinked.... Here's us and Alcatraz.

Daddies and Babies

Sea lions at Pier 39

(We then went to Ghiradelli's Square, but have zero pictures.... maybe because we were too busy eating the chocolate samples?  Or was it my hot fudge sunday?)

My absolute favorite part of the trip - the whole reason Jeff and I were planning this trip to begin with!!  The picnic in the "Full House park" as I call it.  :)  Full House was my absolute favorite show growing up - probably still is.  During the theme song it shows them having a picnic in a park across the street from the Painted Ladies.  For years I have dreamed of having a picnic there someday.  (I really wish I was exaggerating here, but I'm not.)  We finally got to go there!  I can not tell you how giddy I was when I first saw the houses!  (Jeff would be more than happy to tell you - he couldn't stop laughing at me!)  It really just made my day.
Mommies and Babies

The park is very hilly - not flat like the show makes it out to be.  We could tell where the picnic spot was for the show, but there were a ton of people there.  So, we opted for a picnic bench next to the playground.  It was still so fun to be there!  I'll have to go back again before we move.  I think I'll just squeeze my way in with all of the people!  Maybe we'll even be able to drive by the actual house?  Hmmm, maybe I'm pushing it.

The playground had baby swings - perfect for Sean and Max!  They both absolutely loved it.  Sean laughed the entire time!  (I bet it helped having Daddy say "Boo!")  We have a video, but need to get it up.  (Add that to the list of videos we have promised to post....)

Overall a great trip!  We were simply exhausted by the end!


Fenton Clan said...

wait, im confused... dont you live in san fran???

Jeff and Sarah said...

Haha! That is confusing! We live across the bridge in Richmond. We could probably go more often, but we're cheap and don't like paying the toll fee (not to mention metered parking!). :)

Renetta said...

What a special memory for all of you. I wish so much that you could have John, Christy and Max in your lives forever (but I am sure you guys do too)What great pictures...I miss you guys so much. I am grateful for all of your exciting adventures to come...I just miss all of you...Hugs...lots of hugs...
Mom/Grandma Netta

Mommy said...

So thankful for precious friends. Such a blessing....for all of you!!!

Thank you for sharing your special times together.

So glad you were able to see and be near "Full House". Yes, we had the whole clan in our living room on a regular basis! Loved it!!!

So much fun to catch up on your blog! I echo Grandma Netta's feelings....just need lots of hugs!!!!

We love you!!!
Grandpa Jeff, Nanna & Diane

Kari said...

Fun! OK so I have always wanted to go see those Full House houses too! I loved the show as well. I will have to talk to you and ask how to get there